Supporting us financially
As with all parish churches in England, here at St Mary Magdalene we have to pay our way, and we raise money in a number of different ways. Donations to our church make a huge difference to our finances.
The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is a charitable company designed to manage regular (or 'one-off') giving for participating churches. It provides a simple and efficient means by which donations can be made to us. Gift Aid payments can also be made using the scheme.
Regular donations made through the PGS use a Direct Debit, made on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. We receive exactly what is donated, with the small commission charge made by the charity being paid by the Diocese of Norwich. Gift Aid payments can also be received into the church account. For the Treasurer in particular, the Parish Giving Scheme is the much preferred method of donating.
Full details can be found at
A Step-by-Step Guide for PGS donors can be downloaded here. The QR code for Norwich St Mary Magdalene (shown here) can be used to go directly to the page for setting up a donation.
Gift Aid your donation
Allow us to reclaim a percentage of your donation
Gift Aid is a tax relief allowing UK charities to reclaim tax on every eligible donation made by a UK taxpayer. If you make a Gift Aid donation to us, we can reclaim the tax you paid on the donation from HM Revenue & Customs, so that the total amount we receive increases.
We can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give.
Gift Aid envelopes are available in church for one-off donations. Whenever the church is open they can be left in the offertory bowl or through the office door. The envelopes need to have the name of the donor, as you need to make a Gift Aid declaration for us to claim.
If you are a UK tax payer please Gift Aid your donation. Add to your donation without it costing you a penny! Gift Aid cannot always be claimed. For instance , it cannot be claimed if you are receiving something in return for the money you give, if you are donating someone else's money.
For more information see
Hire our church buildings, or support the groups that meet here
Click here to go to our 'Hall and facilities for hire' page
Leave a legacy
A Lasting Gift to God
You can discuss wills in confidence with the Treasurer or our Priest-in-Charge.
For more information see