Safeguarding policy

Safeguarding policy for the parish of Norwich St Mary Magdalene

In accordance with the Church of England Safeguarding our churches are committed to:

The Parish will:


The PCC has appointed Bronwen Walton as its Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO).

If you have a safeguarding concern about a child or vulnerable adult please contact the PSO: (Tel: 07979 222543). If this number is unobtainable, please contact our Priest-in-charge on  07759 801622; email:

If possible please complete a safeguarding record form as soon as possible – these are found, with instructions for their use, in the Safeguarding folder at the back of the Church.


The Diocese of Norwich

The Diocesan Safeguarding Team can be contacted on (01603) 882345 or The Diocese of Norwich Safeguarding adviser: sue.brice@


Useful contact numbers:

Where a child or adult is at imminent risk call 999.

Local Authority number for the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub in relation to concerns for the safety of Children and Adults: 0344 800 8020

NSPCC: 0808 8005000

Childline: 0800 1111